Amazon Torture
by American Wonton


Queen Sasha walked down the chamber halls with great pride. Her chest jutted outward, waving her large, naked breasts below her chin. No doubt the slaves clamoring at the jail bars would masturbate to her presence that evening. She watched them, shake along the cells, fearing that she would pay them a visit. FFFLLLBBBBBBTTTT! The Amazons smiled as the fart rumbled out her large booty, sending a few boys scurrying to the edge of the cells. She found joy instilling nightmares after the boys pleasures.

Queen Sasha barely entered the torture chamber doors. She stood two heads taller than the Amazonian guarding it and possessed an ass almost double in size. She was practically a Giantess with her height and booty width. “You’re grace, we’re sorry to call you down here this evening. The boy is giving us much more trouble than we thought.” spoke the guard. Sasha eyed past her, looking at the pathetic young boy strewn across the torture table. The Queen smiled, cracking her knuckles and flinging black her bright blonde hair. “Worry not, Priscilla. He will give us the information by tonight's end.” The Queen let out a slow, bubbling toot, hoping to add a little intimidation in the boy's eyes. He stared ahead, still quite somber. Good, Sasha thought, Finally a fighter to deal with. “You are dismissed.” Sasha declared. Her Amazonian lesser bowed, taking one last look at her subject before closing the door behind the two. The room was silent for a moment, save for a few screams of young slaves down the halls.


“So, it is Jarhal, is it not?” said Queen Sasha. She stood above the boy, arms crossed. He avoided her eyesight, looking at the grey walls surrounding him. The Queen glanced around the room, ending up around a row of lanterns. “Hmmm,” she pondered aloud, taking a step towards them. Her booty turned round, and a loud fart followed. FFFRRRRLLOOOOPPTTT! An airy fart, echoed in the room, followed by a whirling whisk of the lantern fire. Normally, an Amazon fart cast the fuel alight, but Sasha’s booty put them to rest as quickly as they were conceived. The room was now pitch black. A sliver of moonlight shone through the cracks of the cobblestone ceiling. “Much better,” Sasha declared. She approached the slave boy once more, reveling in the lingering smell of smoke and spicy tuna fart.

“Now, back to business,” Sasha continued. “My informants tell me a slave boy has started an insurrection in my Kingdom. This has led to a number of slave riots and damaged equipment.” Sasha smiled at the boy, slowly turning round to present her massive cheeks to the boy. “Now, you wouldn’t happen to be that slave…”. Sasha peeled apart her cheeks, exposing a bright pink butthole the size of the boy’s head…”would you?” The boy wasn’t phased, simply remaining silent, his gaze fixed on the wall.

A loud grumble came from Sasha’s stomach, proclaiming the inevitable. “Oh, do you hear that my boy? Sounds like a strong toot as well. Any thoughts?” The boy remained silent and Sasha giggled. “I know you can smell my ass, slave. Do you fear it? You should.” Sasha’s grumbling continued as she slowly covered the boy’s body with her cheeks. He now was faced with her flexing bootyhole, encased entirely in her asscrack. “I’ve been farted on day and night by your Amazon bitches, Queen. I will not speak.” Sasha laughed, enjoying the boy’s tiny breaths across her expansive ass. “Oh yes, you’ve been put through the butts of many beautiful, powerful Amazons. But not like this. Not even close.” Even Sasha could feel the boy tense up as her butthole pushed forward. He braced for the worst...and was met with something unexpected. A long, hard, SBD.


The boy coughed uncontrollably, caught in a constant haze of stinky lava. Sasha laughed and slowly rose. “So, it seems you do have a nose for smelling, hmmm? Most boys would be knocked out by my farts this close. I can see why the guards were having trouble with you.” The boy remained coughing, but tried his hardest to interject. “You Amazons...COUGH...aren’t as powerful as you think...BITCH!” Sasha smiled, then bent down, to loosen the boy’s restraints. “Very well then, boy.” she replied, smacking him to the ground with her massive hand. “If we aren’t so powerful, clearly you are, hmmm?” Sasha stood above the boy smiling in the dark. “Come and fight me, boy. Prove your strength.” Understandably, the boy eyed around the room, looking for a chance to escape. Sasha stepped in front of the torture chamber door, her arms crossed. “Freedom lies past me, little one. If you best me, you earn your freedom.” BBLLLLAAAAPPPPPTTT! A harsher fart than before added to the stink of the room. The boy grunted in anger, ignoring her potent bean smell. With a fearsome yell, he charged at the Amazon Queen.

Sasha had to admit, the boy attacked with fury. Compared to her size and shape, pitiful fury, but still, fury nonetheless. She watched him claw and push at her ankles. Once he realized the fruitlessness of his actions, he began to climb her legs, punching her thighs along the way. The Queen laughed as he tickled her. FFRRRRLLMMMPPPTTT! The boy coughed as a flurry of rotten egg smell drenched him. “Oh come now boy, that was a pained fart! Come on, give it to me!” Sasha was suprised her fart and taunt didn’t stifle the boy. He climbed higher, punching her stomach. She sighed, figuring this escapade had gone on long enough. She simply grabbed the boy with her hands, then transferred him to her backside. BBBBLLLLRRRPPTTT! PPRRRRRROOOOOPP! “Had enough?” she asked. She could still feel the boy kicking and swinging amongst a sea of pained grunts. FFFRRRWWWWPPTTTT! That fart seemed to slow his efforts, but he still pressed on. Queen Sasha sighed. This could go on all night. She decided to use a more direct approach.


Sasha had to admit, the boy was a tight fit in her asshole. His muscular frame stopped full insertion, which she usually accomplished with her slaves. Still, the boy found his head nudged inside her asshole, which was torture enough for any man. “You know, I don’t feel your ‘power’ rubbing off on me, boy. It certainly seems that I, Queen Sasha of the Amazons possess more strength than you.” The Amazonian Queen flexed her mighty butthole, taunting the boy of oncoming farts for him to endure. His kicking and screaming endured, giving off quite the pleasurable feel in her anus. She considered fingering herself, but was reminded of her duty once again. Gently, she shat the boy onto the floor.

He collapsed with gasped air. Queen Sasha lowered her booty to his level. “Not so roomy in this prison cell, hmmmm?” A quick fart ripped through her anus, sending the boy a few feet back. It seemed he had enough of her smells. “So, I’ll ask you once again, slave. Are you not the insurrectionist I seek?” The boy had regained his breathing; he also regained his confidence. He strode around the Queen’s booty, kicking her foot. “Up yours, you Amazonian bitch!” he yelled. Queen Sasha rose, not taking kindly to his disrespect. “Up mine, you say? Up mine? I say boy, that’s quite harsh language for someone your size.” The Queen lifted the very foot she was kicked on and smashed it on top of the boy. He yelped as she shifted her weight onto his spine. “Do you want to know what is ‘up mine’”? She asked menacingly.


The boy watched in horror as her buttocks lowered in front of him. He tried to escape under the weight of the mighty Queen’s foot. She applied more pressure, squishing him harder. “Watch with fervor boy. This is what becomes of those who do not honour their Queen.” With those words, Sasha let out a toot that sent a ringing sound in the boy’s ears. FFFFFFLLLBBBBOOOAAAPPTTTTTTTTTTT! A light green gas and smell of raw beef surrounded the boy. He coughed at the worst fart he had endured from any Amazon; but it was not over. With a pained grunt, Queen Sasha began to push out a log from her anus. The boy’s eyes widened in scale with the shit. It was massive, taking the width of a sleeping bag and the length of...well, himself. The smell was forever etched into his mind of sour methane and acidic shit. It burned his eyes just facing it. Ever so delicately, the Queen pushed onwards, till the mighty turd hung over the boy’s head. He closed his eyes, waiting for the brown filth to coat his face. But then, a small miracle occurred in light of his situation. The turd began sinking vertically, back into the dark depths of the Amazon’s anus. The boy watched with awe as the massive shit vanished from his sight, swallowed by the massive asshole he had just recently occupied. Then, it was gone, with the scent still lingering in the room. BBRRRRPPTTT! The boy flinched as Queen Sasha squeaked out a remnant of her creation. She laughed, then took her foot off the boy.

“You see slave, I have the power to create things you can only dream of in your worse nightmares. You might have shown strength against my guards. Maybe even against some of my ass.” FFFFLLLRRRRPPPBBTTT! Sasha paused, taking in the ripples of fart against her mighty cheeks and the sour mustard smell hitting the boy. “However, I will find a way to break you eventually.” The Queen then picked up the boy and threw him onto the torture table. He barely had time to react before the Amazon was upon him. “Now, unless you want to spend the night in HERE…”.Queen Sasha bent her spread cheeks towards the boy, flickering her butthole in his direction for dramatic effect. “ will ansewer every question I ask of you. You will ansewer me politely, followed by, yes Queen Sasha. Otherwise, I will hold you inside my anus till night's end. Your slave friends won’t be able to recognize your skin from my shit.” PPRRRRLLLBBBLLBBTTTT! “Understand?” The boy coughed, having taken another powerful fart directly to his face. He stalled, taking in the situation placed quite literally in front of him. “I-I…” he started. Queen Sasha backed away from the boy, letting him gain some fresh air for answers. “Yes? Go on.” The boy stared into her bulging asshole. He could see the shit stains circle around it, quite visible in the moonlight. There was no right ansewer here...but yes.

“I...y-yes. I’ll do it. I’ll talk.” Before the boy could react, The Queen sent her booty against the boy’s face. “How did I JUST tell you to address me, slave?!” she yelled. FFFFLRRRMMPPTTTT! BBBLLLOOOOTTTTT! The boy screamed, having two farts collide between the confines of her cheeks. The sound boomed along his ears and the smell crippled his brain functions. He could only moan before Queen Sasha grunted once more. The boy no longer felt the moonlight hit his face. He only felt the solid mounds of Amazonian buttcheeks...and soon after, her shit. “Ooohhh yes.” The Queen said. She felt a rush as the shit slithered into the boy’s face, puddling around her asscheeks. She felt the need to masturbate and obliged herself a little foreplay. Hopefully the little one could survive under her ass for just a few minutes.


Upon the morning, the Amazonian guard stood watch outside the torture chamber doors. She heard the screaming all night long, coupled in with the farts. She dare not go in to question her Queen however. Later, she saw the door open and Queen Sasha emerged; she wore a victorious smile on her face. “Priscilla, call the intelligence to a meeting,” she said, addressing the guard. “The boy’s resistance has hidden the tools amongst the work camps. There’s also a list of his followers there. You should be able to snuff them out this afternoon while they work.” Queen Sasha began to leave, but felt the guard’s hands on her shoulder. “What of the boy? Should we dispose of him?” she asked. Queen Sasha smiled. “Absolutely not. He was cooperative, and therefore should be rewarded for his honesty.”

Queen Sasha turned round, lifting her right cheek. The guard was a little taken aback to see shit caked across her ass. In her butthole lay the boy, his head sticking out from her anus. He was breathing, only barely, taking in the faint, musty odors of his captors ass. “I think I’ll keep him as a fart pillow, Priscilla. It’s better he die honorably in my ass then with a puny spear in his hand, no?” Priscilla gulped, taken back by her Queen’s harshness with the boy. “Indeed ma'am. May he serve you well,” she faintly responded. The guard bowed as Queen Sasha walked with her newfound servant. PPRRRRRRRBBBTTTOOOOOTTT! Following the large fart, the guard could hear a relieved sigh from Sasha and a pained groan from the slave.